Help Save the Bees
This World Bee Day weekend we want to highlight the importance of protecting our pollinators, and join together with our customers to elevate the efforts of the Xerces Society. in 2022 and 2023 we will be donating $2 from the sale of every BuzzBee this weekend to the Xerces Pollinator Program to help Save the Bees!

The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation is an international nonprofit organization that protects the natural world through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitats. Utilizing a science-based approach, working with diverse partners that include scientists, land managers, educators, policymakers, farmers, and communities they are making a difference every day.
By utilizing applied research, engaging in advocacy, providing educational resources, addressing policy implications, and building community, we endeavor to make meaningful long-term conservation a reality.
Pollinators are essential to our environment. The ecological service they provide is necessary for the reproduction of over 85% of the world’s flowering plants, including more than two-thirds of the world’s crop species. The United States alone grows more than 100 crops that either need or benefit from pollinators, and the economic value of these native pollinators is estimated at $3 billion per year in the U.S. Beyond agriculture, pollinators are keystone species in most terrestrial ecosystems. Fruits and seeds derived from insect pollination are a major part of the diet of approximately 25% of all birds, and of mammals ranging from red-backed voles to grizzly bears.Unfortunately, in many places, the essential service of pollination is at risk from habitat loss, pesticide use, and introduced diseases.- Xerces Society - Pollinator Program Mission StatementClick here to learn more about these vital insects, the Xerces Society's pollinator conservation work, and how you can help.