3 Ideas To Make a Virtual Baby Gender Reveal Party More Meaningful
Thank goodness for technology. We can video chat at the click of a button. Hold a virtual event just by sharing a link and setting the day and time. And we can virtually connect around the world at a moment's notice. But In this day and age of social distancing, human connection is more important than ever before. Sadly, depression and anxiety are at an all-time high in our society. People crave human interaction and human touch! And when sharing a special time in your life, such as a baby gender reveal or anything surrounding bringing a wonderful new life to this world, it can be even more important to create a special connection with those you love.
Gender reveal parties and videos are quite common these days, and it is such a joy to see the creative ways that people are spreading the good news of expecting a baby boy or baby girl. We have been so delighted to share in this process with our own special gifts.
We are in the business of Giving Glad Dreams. We do this through providing the best baby gifts to be found, made with thoughtful details and loving touches, all packaged beautifully and tied with a bow, and sent on their way with a whole heap of bunny love! In addition to the gift we share, we also want to help our customers in trying times. We greatly appreciate all comments and suggestions from our customers, and we love sharing in your joys through social media. You inspire us, and we hope to do the same for you.
We felt inspired to share with you all a few ways that you can make a virtual gender reveal more meaningful.
1. Send a special package to the friends and family you are sharing the news with and open them all together on a video call!
If you already know the gender of the baby this works as a special way to tell those you love. If you are the expecting parents, enlist the help of a trusted friend or family member to order reveal gifts for all of you!
Pick a little gift in blue or pink for a boy or a girl and send them to those you want to share your special moment with. We will ensure they are packaged beautifully, and we will include a gift card at no charge to share a special note. This gives people something tangible to hold in their own hands. Haven’t you ever seen when someone who is anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new baby opens a gift, it is a natural instinct to cuddle what is inside and hold it tight as if it were the baby already. If you cannot be there in person, give them something to hold, it will touch their heart even deeper than you’ll know. The simple joy to open a box can give them a whole new level of joy in these unprecedented times.

2. Create a Time Capsule for Baby and The Family.
Sometimes feeling distanced can be brought to peace knowing that you are creating a special memory to be shared at a future date. Ask those that you are sharing this special reveal with to then mail you something to include in a time capsule. You will love seeing what they send at that moment, and then get to relive it all over again when you open the time capsule at your determined time. Whether you decide it will be for the baby’s birth, first birthday, or even their 18th this give people a meaningful way to express their joy in learning the gender of their expected loved one. It could be as simple as:
· Writing a short message
· Sharing your hopes and dreams for him or her
· Offering words of wisdom
· Making a prediction about his or her future
Don’t forget to include lots of photos, or even create a video and upload to YouTube, then include the url for the special reveal and messages.
3. Create a Memory Quilt.
Ask each person to take the time now that they know the gender of the baby to make a special quilt square, and then if you have a crafty member of the family, ask them to assemble the quilt for baby. If they work quick they could even have it put together in time for a baby shower. Now you can take the happiness of your gender reveal to a keepsake that you and baby will treasure for a lifetime.
With tangible objects to share in your joy, and special ways of including friends and family this is sure to make your gender reveal in a virtual form memorable and meaningful for you all. For wonderful gender reveal gift ideas we have everything from full gift sets to just a little special gift to share. Check out our new Hoppy Feet Slippers for the perfect presentation. Another customer favorite pick is our pacifier holder Silly Buddy Bunnies or lovey Buddy Blankets, Bye Bye Buddies, or Knotty Friends. Send pink Blossom for a girl, or blue Bud or Skipit for a Boy!